massages benefits types

The Most Popular Massages

Recently, massages have become more and more popular. The reason for this is that massages provide every person with endless relaxation and comfort. Even though, there are many different types of massages available, each one is suited for every person’s individual needs. With so many massages, it is important to know the most popular ones.

1. Deep Tissue Massages
Similar to its name, the target of the deep tissue massage is to get into the deepest layers of your muscles and connective tissues so the muscle knots can be untied. The massage therapist will use friction or slow strokes on top of your muscles to relieve pains. This massage focuses on fixing postural issues, repetitive strain, injuries, and painful/tight muscles. The pressure used in this massage therapy is much more intense compared to the others, but it does not cause pain or discomfort. If you are someone who has chronic pains, troubles moving, or injuries, you are the best candidate.

2. Swedish Massages
At spas, clinics, gyms, and wellness centers, the Swedish massage is the most popular kind of massage. The goal of this massage is to use longer strokes so it can focus on healing certain pains of your body. The 5 strokes used in this massage are friction (small circular motions), tapotement (percussion), effleurage (smooth long strokes), petrissage (rolling, kneading, lifting), and vibration (shaking and rocking movements). This massage is ideal because it releases tensions from your entire body.

3. Aromatherapy Massages
Aromatherapy massage is a modified version of the Swedish massage because this massage uses essential oils. These essential oils are extracted from flowers or plant parts and they are known to have healing powers. For example, rose and lavender oils have the ability to relax your body. Even though every single oil has its own properties, there is a chance that the massage therapist has a pre-blended oil that will provide you with uplifted feelings and energized.

4. Hot Stone Massages
This form of massage uses warm (slightly hot) stones to relieve pains. The massage therapist will place smooth, somewhat hot stones on the painful parts of your body while massaging you. The stones used in this massage are basalt (these are volcanic rocks that preserve heat). The warmth preserved in these stones have the ability to loosen your tight muscles while the massage therapist is massaging your body.
However, if you are suffering from issues like varicose veins, heart diseases, diabetes, or high blood pressure, you will need to talk to your doctor before getting a massage. Similarly, if you are taking any mediation that may be thinning your blood, you will need to consult your doctor again.

These are the top 4 massages that are popular all around the world. If you have never opted for a massage, make sure you opt for the most popular ones.

Our clinic is home to 3 of the best massage therapists in the city. If you or someone you know are in the market for a quality massage, give us a call at (780)455-2112 to book your appointment today! Visit to learn more about our therapists.

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