What To Expect

Welcome to Oliver Chiropractic Wellness Clinic.

Our wellness clinic offers chiropractic, acupuncture, massage therapy and shockwave therapy services tailored to meet your needs. This means we take the time to understand your individual situation and work with you in achieving your health goals.

At OCWC, we respect your time and your budget.  Our flexible appointment booking system allows for pre-booking treatments, easy appointment changes, and a variety of payment options.  Your total wellness is our priority, book a free consultation to get started today!

Get started with our free chiropractic consultation.

Choosing a chiropractor is an important decision to make for you and your family. Our free consultation is offered to allow you an opportunity to understand if this clinic is right for you.

In your consultation you will meet with one of our chiropractors to begin to understand your concerns and how your concerns are affecting your life. There is no commitment or expectation of an examination or treatments during your free consultation.

Our chiropractic service is on hand to help you with customized treatments based upon your experience. We want to know your symptoms and how your symptoms are impacting your life and daily activities.

What to Expect on your First Visit:

  • You and your chiropractor will discuss your health history to determine if you are a candidate for chiropractic care.
  • Your chiropractor will perform a complete exam (Static muscle scan, Thermal scan, neurological examination, orthopedic examination).
  • Your chiropractor may order additional tests and/or past reports to gain further information

Report of Finding

Prior to your second visit, your Chiropractor will study the results of the examination from the Initial consultation and prepare a detailed “Report of Findings”. He or she will meet with you to show you what was found in the examination, and recommend a program of chiropractic care which meets your specific needs. If your chiropractor thinks you would benefit from consulting a different practitioner, he or she will make the proper referral.

Goals for this visit



You and your chiropractor will determine the best treatment application based upon your current state of health and past experiences. Your customized treatment plan goes far beyond manual and instrument adjustments. By incorporating lifestyle, nutritional and supplement advise our chiropractic care is all about a healthy life plan.

How soon can I expect results?

Every patient recovers at their own pace. Depending on the nature of the problem, it is possible for some patients to experience immediate relief. Others discover that the healing process can take several days, weeks or even months. Remember that it is often a lifetime of accumulated spinal and neurological stress contributing to your problem. Factors which can affect the healing process include your overall health condition, your age, muscle tone, diet and lifestyle, and in some cases even attitude towards healing.


Massage therapy has been found to be beneficial for a significant number of conditions. One of the most significant benefits of massage therapy is improving blood circulation which speeds healing and enhances recovery.

Massage therapy has also been shown beneficial for reducing stress and promoting relaxation, decreasing pain and inflammation, increasing mobility, joint flexibility and range of motion, and increasing the oxygen capacity of the blood, which enhances the immune system. It also improves the health of our muscles, connective tissue and skin.


After completing a detailed health history form, your massage therapist will ask you some general questions to determine if there are any health conditions which need to be addressed, and to establish what areas of your body you would like worked on.

After completing a detailed health history form, your massage therapist will ask you some general questions to determine if there are any health conditions which need to be addressed, and to establish what areas of your body you would like worked on.

Depending on the technique your massage therapist feels will be most effective for your problem, you may be required to fully or partially undress (for a full body massage, most people undress leaving their underwear on). Your massage therapist will give you privacy to do this, and will ask you to lie on the massage table under a sheet and blanket once you are changed. You will remain securely draped throughout the entire treatment, while only the particular area being worked on is exposed (back, neck, shoulders, arms, legs, and abdomen).

A variety of massage techniques will be used, depending on your situation. Generally these include various stroking and kneading techniques, as well as light stretching and manipulation of the muscles and tissues. Your therapist will balance the amount of pressure used according to your comfort level.


At the end of your treatment, your massage therapist will ask you to change (providing full privacy once again). They will then recommend a program of care specific to your needs. This usually includes further massage therapy sessions until the condition of your muscle and tissue improves, as well as maintenance sessions to keep your muscles and tissues healthy.


Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can be traced back at least 2,500 years, and has been progressively integrated into healthcare systems in North America since 1960. The general theory of acupuncture is based on the premise that there are patterns of bioelectrical energy flow (Qi) through the body that are essential for health. Disruptions of this flow are responsible for pain, dysfunction and disease. Acupuncture corrects imbalances of Qi by inserting fine needles into various points throughout the body. These changes in flow create balance and harmony in the body, which allows the body to naturally restore itself.

What to expect on your first visit

A very thorough assessment will happen at your first appointment. This will give the acupuncturist a very accurate look at your symptoms and conditions, and at your overall constitution.


A very thorough assessment will happen at your first appointment. This will give the acupuncturist a very accurate look at your symptoms and conditions, and at your overall constitution.

Treatment starts by laying either on your back or stomach (depending upon the condition). Needles will be inserted where deemed appropriate and will be retained for up to 30 minutes (again depending on the condition.) An infrared heat lamp may be added to aid in the therapy. It is most helpful if the patient can relax fully during the treatment.

Although the treatment is generally without pain, if anything becomes painful or uncomfortable please tell your acupuncturist who will discuss any and all concerns about the treatment with you.


You may feel tired, or energized after a session. Your reaction will depend upon your condition.

You may notice a small drop of blood at one or more of the needle sites and a small bruise could develop. These should not be harmful, but please talk to your acupuncturist if you are concerned.