Improve Your Digestion with Acupuncture
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offer a wide range of benefits, including improving digestion and managing digestive disorders. But how does it work? How can your acupuncturist help enhance digestion? The key lies in understanding the body’s meridian points. Today, we’ll explore one powerful point: ST36, also known as Stomach 36.
What is ST36 – Stomach 36?
ST36, or Zusanli, is one of the most versatile acupuncture points. It’s commonly included in treatment plans due to its ability to support overall health and longevity. This point is especially effective for improving digestion and addressing digestive issues like IBS, Crohn’s disease, nausea, vomiting, and general GI discomfort. In addition, ST36 helps boost energy levels and combat fatigue, making it an excellent option for individuals with weakened immune systems.
Where is ST36 Located?
You can find ST36 one hand-width below the kneecap, on the outer side of the leg, and one finger-width from the shinbone. Because of its location near the knee, this point is also frequently used to treat knee injuries or pain.
Ready to Improve Your Digestion?
Curious about how acupuncture can help with digestion or other health concerns? Contact us at or call 780-455-2112. We are currently accepting new patients! Visit our website at for more information.
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