Chiropractic Blog

Five Tips for Reducing Chronic Inflammation

The human body is pretty amazing. It can convert food into energy…

Three More Reasons to Quit Smoking

Sitting May be the New Smoking, but Smoking is Still Smoking…

The Five Most Common Triggers for Back Pain

Back pain and other musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions affect a…

An MSK Strategy for Canada

Generally, Canadians are proud of our healthcare system and grateful…

MSK Health Matters

If you follow us on Twitter, you already know that an estimated…

Putting the Patient at the Centre

For the past couple of weeks, we have been examining a model…

Achieving Whole Health

Our mission at the Canadian Chiropractic Association is to motivate…

The Patient Journey

Back pain is a reality that most of us have or will have to deal…

Contributing to a Healthy Canadian Workforce: Appropriate Care for MSK Conditions

  We’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: low back…