How Acupuncture Has Changed the Perception of Healthy Living
Acupuncture is a universal healing technique that comes from the ancient and rich shores of China. A mainstay of traditional Chinese medicine, it is the practice of inserting thin needles into your skin to stimulate points. It helps improve the body’s overall functioning and promotes the self-healing process.
Like other therapies, acupuncture involves a plethora of different techniques. The most commonly used method is the one where very thin, sterile needles are inserted into your skin to stimulate acupoints. Pressure, heat or electrical stimulation may also be used to enhance its effects.
Does It Hurt? When you think about needles being inserted into your skin, you’re bound to feel a little scared. However, surprisingly, treatments are actually pain free. The most popular uses are to reduce chronic pain in your body – so the question of it causing pain never really arises.
1. It Reduces Headaches!
After much research, it has been proven that acupuncture is the best way to get rid of chronic, tension-related headaches. Although many in the medical fieled refuse to acknowledge acupuncture as a treatment, no one can deny that it works.
During the treatment, the therapist will insert needles in specific areas of your body, which will give you a relief in migraines and headaches. It not only reduces the frequency but also the intensity the headaches come with.
2. Get Rid of Chronic Pains
Chronic pains are the worst! If you’re a young guy or girl, these pains will make you feel old and drain the life out of you. When you are experiencing pains in your back, neck, or knee, life becomes a hassle. Acupuncture has been proven to be the most effective treatment for back pain.
As mentioned before, many studies prove that these treatments an cure chronic pain for good – something not many traditional medicinal practices can boast of. In fact, acupuncture is fast becoming a referral option for many open-minded doctors as well.
3. Sleep Well
Sleep deprivation can lead to a very moody day, week, month and even life. A study showed that people that were taking medication for sleep got much better, peaceful sleep when they added acupuncture to their regime. Many sleeping pills come with side effects, while there are none with acupuncture. Which is the better choice – you decide!
4. Helps Cancer Recovery
Acupuncture can stimulate immunity and speed-up recovery for cancer patients. Treatments can enhances the immune system, increases platelet count and prevents the destruction of healthy cells that comes with chemotherapy. On top of that, chemotherapy is a painful process. Acupuncture goes a long way in easing that pain.
5. Prevent Cognitive Decline
Acupuncture has showed effectiveness for Parkinson’s disorder too. Treatments help generate neural responses in some areas of your brain, more specifically the putamen and thalamus that are the most affected by this disorder. A study shows that 20 patients were treated with 16 acupuncture sessions and they had significant improvements in their everyday life because of it.
If you are interested in booking your session. Give our clinic a call @ 780-455-2112 and our staff will be happy to help you.