acupuncture benefits start edmonton

5 Reasons to Start Acupuncture Today

Acupuncture therapy is a popular alternative to medicine that helps individuals release pains of all sorts without any side effects. However, when people think about fine needles being inserted into their bodies, they get hesitant in getting it done. The common thought related to this alternative medicine is “it is extremely painful and useless,” whereas it is the opposite.

We have the top reasons why you should start acupuncture today!

1.    Acupuncture Promotes Ultimate Relaxation

In today’s world, being in the state of ultimate relaxation seems like a far fetch thought. It is impossible to feel “unstressed” because individuals claim that they do not have sufficient amount of time for their families, work, or even themselves. Because of this, they tend to start getting chronically stressed, which causes endless damages to their bodies. In this case, the best thing to do is opt for acupuncture because it has the ability to calm the nervous system while it promotes feelings of serenity and relaxation. Individuals that get acupuncture done tend to fall into a deep and peaceful sleep afterwards.

2.    Acupuncture Helps You Get the Best Sleep

Almost 10% of the United States population suffers from insomnia (difficulty in falling or staying asleep). When a person is sleep deprived, quality of life begins to go downhill, which then begins to affect their health. Although, the common resort for many people would be sleeping pills, it is important to understand that these pills can be seriously detrimental to you. They form habits that lead to eccentric sleeping behaviors like sleep eating and walking and long term cognitive decline. Therefore, the best (and safe) resort would be acupuncture. It treats the roots that cause insomnia and leads to better health overall.

3.    Acupuncture can Treat Headaches

Those that suffer from headaches know how crippling they can be. Many individuals that suffer from chronic headaches are under the supervision of neurologists and go through conventional medical treatments for these pains yet do not seem to heal successfully. Luckily, acupuncture is known as the best therapy for treating headaches. Most commonly, people that suffer from headaches are the ones that opt for acupuncture because of the promising results. With the help of regular sessions, the severity and frequency of headaches lessens as well.

4.    Acupuncture Treatments Improves the Mood

Mood disorders like depression and anxiety tend to negatively influence the life of the person that is suffering from them. Although, there are many medications that are known to manage the symptoms of these disorders, in the long term, they do not seem to be safe. Whereas, acupuncture therapy is an effective and safe way of treating these mood disorders and improving the overall mood. People that see an acupuncturist on a regular basis feel a decrease in their depression and anxiety levels while happy moods are heightened.

5.    Acupuncture can Boost the Functions of the Immune System

Chinese medicine believes the “Wei Qi” is a protective energy barrier that is supposed to keep an individual healthy and it is supposed to strengthen the immune system so it protects us from pathogens. Chinese herbs and acupuncture are effective in making the “Wei Qi” stronger so it can prevent diseases while eliminating pathogens from the body for a speedy recovery. If an individual ingests Chinese herbs along with seeing an acupuncturist, they can treat issues like flues, colds, and respiratory disorders.


These are the top 5 reasons why you should see an acupuncturist today. If you want to lead a life that is healthy, acupuncture is the answer.

Give our clinic a call at (780)455-2112 to book with our registered therapist. For further information visit .

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